Friday, October 31, 2014


I seem to have let time get away from me. That happens sometimes, time works differently here and if I'm not careful I miss days, weeks, or sometimes years in the outside world. But I am still reading and watching, I promise you. I so very much wish I could do something concrete to aid you all, but all I know to do is keep reading and contributing what small wisdoms I can.

Time moves so much faster out there. I have not left the Library in a long time, and things are slower here. Nothing is rushed, everything moves at this leisurely pace. I can watch years go by, decades or even centuries sometimes. I am beginning to realize that this has made me detached. Perhaps I have been here too long. I love my place here, I love the infinite knowledge surrounding me and the safety and peace my service has brought me. I do not wish to lose any of this or leave it behind.

And yet, there comes a time where to learn you have to experience something instead of just reading about it. Perhaps I must experience something for myself now. I do not know if this new world even has room for me. I have become familiar with certain technologies, such as the computer I am using to type this very post, but society itself is so different now. The land that was once my home is torn by war once again, but this time one fought with bombs and fear. Where could I even go?


  1. Anywhere you choose. The world is a big place and one can easily get lost in it. There are also many people who would be willing to help you find a place.

    1. I do not believe I know such people. The world is too big and I do not know my place within it.

    2. many of the bloggers once said they'd open their doors to people seeking help. I'm sure some would consider it if you'd ask.

      You could also try the areas you were once familiar with.

    3. I am not in need of aid, merely some time outside. I would hate to take resources needed by others.

      As for my former home... It is not safe for someone of my culture any longer.

    4. Well, when I had extended the offer, I had only ever had one Runner seek aid. Most people who will talk you in probably can spare the resources.

      And I see. I'm sorry to hear that.

    5. I will give it some thought. Thank you.
